Chapter 4 done.

And finished chapter 4.

It certainly didn’t beat around the bush, that’s for sure.  Those final few pages flew by as things came to a boil.

The fact that the chapter was called ‘Gone’ has many connotations, but ultimately comes down to the finale.  Strange how while writing it I didn’t really see that but reading it such a thing has become clear.

Page 100. Onwards…

Continuing reading.

Chapter 2 went well.  Surprisingly I felt it had some decent structure to it.

Chapter 3 not so much.  Something about it seemed off, almost things felt too obvious and bland.

Halfway through chapter 4 now and… it’s back to the feel of chapter 2.  This one lets it all go, though.  While the previous chapters only hinted at the darker side of the story’s heart, this is not hiding anything, and feels brutally honest in the assumptions it makes.  It feels needed, like a slap to the face, to focus on the core content and meaning.

All in the name of a little moth.

I wrote all this with headphones on, listening to the town them of internet horror game Townlore.

Seems almost like a requiem for chapter 4, somehow.

Writing… or rather reading again.

New year and those dastardly resolutions come into play.

It’s always best to finish what you started… I guess, so rather than return to something new-ish, I have returned to read what I wrote of a story from a few years back.

So far, and about 23 pages in, it’s been odd.

A dark comedy story about what would happen if dementia was a contagious disease.  And a moth.

The first section felt a little jarring and needs a bit more fleshing out, or, weeping copious tears… EDITING.  The second part with one of the main character’s fleshing out of his backstory actually flowed well.  Grammar here and there needed those lovely , marks at the end of speech, but it got away with it mostly.

Read the stranger parts of this story accompanied by Susumu Hirasawa’s Grandfatherly Wind and it’s a cozy night.

Also playing Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze… about a thousand hours later and I still can’t find the secret exit on level 2-2.  Give up while you can.


Starting up a blog and not posting anything for a long time is rather funny when that specific year happened to be the most interesting for many years…

Reunions… travel… new experiences…

Something that past years contained none of, yet 2014 had them all, in much abundance.  Write about them? Of course not! What a silly thing to say!

Still, looking back might cause a muscle cramp, so let’s have none of that.

Here’s hoping 2015 is as kind as the last.

That there Writers’ and Artists’ Yearbook 2015 is mere inches away…

The re-reading… has been accomplished.

Annnnnnnnnnnnnd finished re-reading Under the Cerulean Sky.




There’s a few plot holes (easily solvable), some ‘minor-important’ characters need fleshing out and one part at the end comes out of nowhere.

But at 368 pages, it’ll be a tall order to go back to it straight away.  Would be rather boring, too!

Currently playing: Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII.

Wow! What a framerate!

I tried recently to do the Wildlands ‘dungeon’ and found it to be impossible (and got killed instantly on the boss).  So tried Yussnan (sp?).  Much better.

How to Hook an Agent event

Was in London yesterday in Bloomsbury for the How to Hook an Agent event.

There was a section where we had a one-to-one with one (nice English, hooray!) of them where we had to pitch a book we’ve written to them.

And… and…

‘I like the sound of it, try sending it out to 20 agents, including me.’


Had some very nice text messages from friends with this news. Always nice.

And now the hardest part of all begins…


So, there’s a social experiment going on over on Twitch.

Pokémon Red being played by using commands in the chat box.

Not hard if there’s one person… but with about 20,000 – 40,000 all issuing commands at the same time? Madness! No… genius!

The process is nearing four days play time and they have somehow managed to get to Erica’s gym.  Quite how they passed that ledge yesterday is amazing.

And here’s a running ‘diary’ of the events so far.

Have found myself laughing extremely hard at times.

Wonder if Nintendo would order a cease and desist since it’s emulation? Or maybe they know of it and are actually rather impressed by the whole thing.  It’s cracking publicity, though. 

More success.

And… finished part 2 of Under the Cerulean Sky.

It feels so odd going back to something after a five year break, but I guess that gives a fresher mind about things. It’s easy to remember some details, yet I completely forgot about a section in a nightclub.

Made a good surprise to come across it.

Also, finally got to Champion Road in Super Mario 3D World. Seems like a tough ol’ cookie, but fair.

Most shocking of all, though, is…


For now.

A little success.

Today I finished reading part 1 of Under the Cerulean Sky.

All 127 pages of it (it was originally 120, but the introduction of actual PROPER grammar led to this increase of pages).

It’s a (slow) murder mystery, but part 1 is merely just laying the pieces into place and hinting about the past. I have to say that it flowed and detailed things much better than I thought it would; namely the foundation and link between 4 characters.

It’s still rubbish (no doubt), but… it’s ‘there’.

Also rain. Rain in the real world. It never ends. Leave. Now.


Writers and Artists event

Crazy things can happen in a second, but crazier things take years to occur.

Finally, a few years after saying I would, I have booked myself a placement on the Writers and Artists ‘How to Hook an Agent’ event. Expensive, maybe, but finally pushing through and doing it felt a little empowering.

Scary stuff, actually.

And now just seen that the event has sold out. I guess Bloomsbury is that attractive to some people.

And now it’s raining again. Deep joy.